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Saturday 5 September 2015

British film legend Caine is back for the 122nd time

Michael Caine with his second wife Shakira Caine
Michael Caine with his second wife Shakira Caine
SIR Michael Caine seems to be what being British is all about. He is a working class lad who made the big time in the 1960s only to be mocked, imitated and never quite accepted. Yet he's won all his battles to become our biggest and most famous star.
He has never been more in fashion. At the age of 81 he is back on screen in his 122nd movie, the blockbuster space odyssey Interstellar, and is more in demand than ever with three more films lined up for release.
It's pretty good going for a career which began when living in a council prefab and taking labourer's jobs to make ends meet. It has brought him a knighthood, won him two Oscars and earned him a personal fortune.
It is exactly half a century since he became famous after years of struggle with the movie Zulu. And just like his character of Lieutenant Bromhead in that film he has been fighting against the odds ever since.
So what has he learned in 50 years of stardom? "Never to give anyone advice," he says. "I have had plenty in the past. It was always 'give up'. Free advice is usually worth nothing. There used to be so many posh film critics ready to see me fall flat on my a***. But I am still here. The reason for survival? I never take anything for granted."
Michael Caine in his first major film, Zulu
Michael Caine in his first major film, Zulu
Looking back the England I grew up in during the 1950s was in black and white. It was drab. Then the 1960s came along and it was suddenly in Technicolor. The music, the art, the films lit up everything
Michael Caine, actor
At more than six feet tall Caine still cuts a powerful and robust figure. He's blessed with hardnosed pragmatism and is fiercely proud of his South London working class background.
"I cannot get carried away by anything after all these years," he says. "There is no doubt that there is a big young following out there who know all my films better than I do. They gave me the kiss of life a few years ago. A rebirth, if you like. I have done a lot of movies, always tried to learn and have tried never to be flash. So am I enjoying all the attention now? Yeah, I am."
PART of his resurgence is down to British director Christopher Nolan, who at 44 was not even born when Caine established himself in 1960s' classics such as Alfie, The Italian Job and as spy Harry Palmer in The Ipcress File and Funeral In Berlin.
He made Caine an unlikely choice as butler Alfred Pennyworth in his 2005 film Batman Begins and has hired him for two more Batman films plus hits The Prestige and Inception. Nolan insisted on Caine's casting in Interstellar alongside stars Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway. In the film he plays Professor Brand who masterminds a mission to the far side of the universe.
"Everyone connected with the film seemed to be young enough to be my children or grandchildren," Caine says. "But that's what helps keep me young and interested."
He also gives an interesting insight into how he works after all these years. "I was brought up on the Stanislavsky Method," he says. "I know it is now linked to the late Marlon Brando and a lot of mumbling but the principle is that the rehearsal is the work and the performance is the relaxation. "So all the rehearsals go on in my own mind at home. I sit there for hour upon hour, talking to myself in different ways, or go in to a room and do a walk or a gesture.
"I never look in a mirror. I always do it alone. If I did all this in front of anyone else they would think I am insane. So I try to get the movement right and think my way in to a character.
"I finally get to the film studio and everyone says, 'Oh, he's so relaxed'. But I have screwed myself into the ground for weeks and months with all the preparation.
"That is the key to it all for me, because in my experience most actors are not big-heads thinking how wonderful they are. Most of us are sitting in the dressing room, shaking with fear, thinking: 'I can't do this.' The preparation and knowing the script and the character is the key. Get that right and you worry less. That's where the enjoyment comes in."
BUT Caine's early films either flopped or his role was so small it remained uncredited. He didn't fare much better in the theatre. "The longest show I did on stage was for six months, touring The Long, The Short And The Tall," he says dryly.
"I started off as Peter O'Toole's understudy and when he went off to play Lawrence Of Arabia I took the play on tour. I thought I would go mad. I was 30, still struggling and going nowhere."
It was another play, Next Time I'll Sing For You by James Saunders, which caught the imagination of reviewers and his peers.
"The great actor Stanley Baker, who tragically died in his late 40s, saw it and recommended me for Zulu," he says. "From that moment onwards life changed. I was suddenly in another world, working with stars I knew only as a fan."
However he can recall only two people who have reduced his natural raconteur style to total silence. The first was Frank Sinatra. The second Calista Flockhart - now third wife of Harrison Ford.
"With Sinatra, we were travelling in a private jet across America in the 1970s after the success of Get Carter. I suddenly realised who I was with and shut up.
Michael Caine in his 1966 hit film Alfie
Michael Caine in his 1966 hit film Alfie
"He asked me what was wrong. I said: 'It is unbelievable for me to be sitting here with you.' He said: 'When I first came to Hollywood in 1938 I found myself with my hero Ronald Colman and just lost my voice altogether.' "With Calista I was a big fan of her TV show Ally McBeal. We were at the Golden Globe awards in Los Angeles and she suddenly waved. I looked behind my chair, wondering if it was for somebody else.
"So there's me acting like Joe Soap because I always feel such an idiot if I wave back and it's not me they are waving at. I came over all shy. I swear I even blushed."
Caine celebrates his 42nd wedding anniversary to second wife Shakira, 65, in the New Year and appreciates family life.
He does not mince his words when reflecting on how society has changed. "Despite being poor, I had a happy home life and an education," he says.
"The biggest change in my lifetime regarding behaviour has been drugs. This is the cause of 75 to 80 per cent of all the problems we have with young people. In my day it was booze. You'd get drunk and have a fight. But with booze you did not have to kill anyone to get it. With drugs there's theft, muggings and robbery to feed the habit."
HE ADDS: "There is also an absence of family life. It broke down and the lack of a father or father figure is very important. I had a dad who was at home. I was rich in family support, rich in laughter and rich in love. These are all the things that money can't buy. It's a cliché but how many people do you meet who are rich financially but have not got all the others?
"Looking back the England I grew up in during the 1950s was in black and white. It was drab. Then the 1960s came along and it was suddenly in Technicolor. The music, the art, the films lit up everything."


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